Women can Build LatAm (2023-2025) Erasmus+ Programme
Training and empowerment of women in the construction sector in Latin America.
Denominación: WCB LatAm. Training of women in the construction sector in Latin America.
Proyecto: Belonging to the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, announcement 2023, Capacity Building in the field of VET. ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET.
Identificación del proyecto: 101129409.
Duración: 24 months, from December 2023 to November 2025.
Presupuesto: 398.666€
Coordinador del Proyecto: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (Spain).
- Spain: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción and Agencia para el Empleo del Ayuntamiento de Madrid
- Italy: Istituto per l’Istrucione Professionale dei Lavoratori Edili della provincia di Bologna (IIPLE).
- Chile: RedMaestra and Universidad Católica de Temuco (UCT).
- Argentina: Fundación Eurosur para la Cooperación entre América latina y la Unión Europea.
Website: womencanbuildlatam.fundacionlaboral.org/
Social Networks of Women Can Build LatAm:
The 'Women Can Build LatAm' project, arises as an evolution of the 'Women Can Build' project (2017-2020) with the aim of promoting the results of the initiative and transferring in third countries the good practices, increasing the cooperation of the European Union in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) at international level, through the line "Capacity Building in the field of VET" of the Erasmus+ programme.
The 'Women Can Build' project has been an example of good practices with national and European Union impact, whose multiplier value has led us to extend it to Latin American countries (Chile and Argentina) through the 'WCB LatAm' project.
The main objective of the project is based on the transfer of knowledge on training and employability, as well as to disseminate European tools and protocols on the employability of women in the construction sector, and to extend them from European countries to Latin America, in order to enhance the responsiveness of institutions and VET systems, as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development.
At the same time, the project pursues the following specific objectives:
- Strengthening the qualification of teachers in the construction sector in gender perspective as a multiplier effect to raise awareness in the sector in this regard.
- Promoting training and knowledge transfer between training entities on both continents and improve the employability of women in the sector, based on the success story of the 'Women Can Build' project.
- Strengthening the link between training providers and the labour market in order to consider employment opportunities and jointly develop responsive VET interventions.
- Promoting the insertion of women in the construction sector while benefiting the industry's double transition, green and digital.
Products and methodology
The development of the project will be carried out through a collaborative methodology with: interviews, discussion groups and expert panels; workshops with different agents involved in the sector (women, trainers and construction companies); creation of alliances at international level to work for the equity of women in construction; and the design of a virtual space to give greater visibility and share good practices for an equal sector.
The results of the project will be materialized in:
- Report on the situation of the sector -Status Quo- in the Latin American countries involved in the project.
- Action Plan for the qualification and insertion of women in the construction sector, as a result of the working groups (women, trainers and construction companies) and workshops.
- Virtual collection of good practices to promote the incorporation and equity of women in the construction sector.
- Purple Book of Women in Construction.
- Creation of a network of alliances for the promotion of women in the construction sector.
- Activities for the promotion and visibility of women in the sector.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.