Construye 2030 (2022-2024) Life Clean Energy Transition Programme
Build Up Skills. The construction sector towards 2030.
Denomination: Build Up Skills. The construction sector towards 2030.
Project: Belonging to the Life Clean Energy Transition Programme of the European Union, Call 2021, under the Build Up Skills sub-programme.
Identification of the project: 101077607.
Duration: 18 months.
Budget (estimated): 379,046.60 €.
Coordinator of the Project: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (Spain).
Partners: Confederación Nacional de la Construcción (CNC), Comisiones Obreras del Hábitat (CCOO del Hábitat), Federación de Industria, Construcción y Agro de la Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT-FICA), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Green Building Council España (GBCe) and Fundación Estatal para la Formación en el Empleo (Fundae).
Associated: Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional.
Social network of Construye 2030:
Construye 2030 continues the BUILD UP Skills initiative in Spain
In 2011, the European Commission launched the BUILD UP Skills initiative, with the aim of increasing the number of trained and qualified construction professionals across Europe to carry out energy efficient building renovations and new near-zero energy buildings.
Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, Fundae, CSIC and INCUAL have since formed strong Partnerships together with other entities to lead this initiative in Spain.
Construye 2030, is a BUILD UP Skills project framed this time in the LIFE programme and aims to revise the research and the proposals made in 2012, as well as the boost of the first National Qualification Platform. This update will be carried out through:
- Collaborative work with professionals from different areas of the construction sector.
- Analysis of sectoral statistics.
- Panel of experts and interviews with key professionals.
- Endorsement seminars.
National Qualification Platform
The first result to be developed is the National Qualification Platform, that aims to be a reference space on training issues for the construction sector. It will bring together as many construction professionals as possible, revitalising the working environment initiated in BUILD UP Skills.
Current outlook for the construction sector - Status Quo
Construye 2030 will conduct a key fieldwork that will result in a report (Status Quo) on the current training needs of the building sector to achieve energy performance of buildings and contribute to the European 2030 targets.
Training Roadmap
Construye 2030 will propose a Training Roadmap will include a) measures aimed at skilling key construction professions in the achievement of the European 2030 objectives; b) an Action Plan until 2030, identifying the actors and resources needed and, c) monitoring activities.
Why Construye 2030 is interesting
The BUILD UP Skills initiative is the European benchmark for identifying the training needs of the construction sector.
More than a decade after the launch of BUILD UP Skills, the construction sector still needs to boost among workers the so-called "green" skills. Besides, the sector also faces other strategic challenges such as digitalisation and industrialisation, as well as a deteriorated image that difficult the incorporation of young people and women into the sector, hindering generational change.
The sector must be able to answer to the new energy efficiency requirements. Initiatives such as Construye 2030 provide the sector with significant research on what skills workers should have and a Roadmap on how to translate these needs into a training strategy for the country.
A leadership with history
Fundación Laboral de la Construcción has successfully coordinated the Spanish Build Up Skills initiative: Build Up Skills Spain (2011-2013) and Build Up Skills Spain "Construye 2020" (2013-2016). In addition to this, it also coordinated Construye 2020+ (2018-2021), a project that continued the initiative under the Horizon 2020 programme.
More information on the BUILD UP Skills initiative.
More information on the BUILD UP Skills initiative in Spain.
BUILD UP Skills results (to be updated by Construye 2030): Status Quo 2012 and Roadmap 2012.
Construye 2020+ results: training actions, Green Tag (certification of green skills), national campaign to promote energy efficiency in the sector, Energy Auditor Professional Qualification.
Project resources offered by the project
Download the Final Publishable Report of the project
Download the one slide of the 'Construye 2030' project (only in Spanish)
Download the Satu Quo ‘Study on the Current Overview of the Construction Sector’.
Download the Executive summary Status Quo (only in Spanish).
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.